The Complete Chief Officer

Number of Pages:
Book Height:
235 mm
Book Width:
155 mm
0.6 kg
Published Date:
September 2010
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This informative and entertaining book discusses the role of Chief Officer and advises on the range of problems that may be encountered at sea and in port. It contains a wealth of helpful advice and is illustrated with short anecdotes from the author’s extensive maritime career.

This book is for the young officer aspiring to the position of Chief Officer, or one who has recently been promoted into the position. It is a practical book dealing in the ‘real world’ of the sea and ships rather than the theoretical. It describes the extensive duties of a Chief Office and provides practical guidance on meeting the challenges, covering every aspect of the ship, operations, the passage and crew.

1. The Chief Officer
2. Your Company
3. Joining the Ship
4. Departure
5. Head of Deck Department
6. The Chief Seaman of the Ship
7. Steel Preparation and Paint
8. Ropes and Wires
9. Heavy Weather
10. Freezing Conditions
11. Relationships
12. The Chief Officer and the Captain
13. Stowaways
14. Piracy
15. Passengers
16. The Workforce
17. Training
18. Fatigue
19. Leadership and Attitude
20. Accommodation and Catering
21. Safety
22. Stores and Storing
23. Bridge Duties
24. Alcohol
25. Discipline
26. Enclosed Space Entry
27. Communication
28. Port Preparation
29. Ballast Water Management
30. Anchor Work
31. Port Arrival
32. The Gangway
33. Port Responsibilities
34. Pollution
35. Surveys
36. Cargo Operations
37. Cargo and Cargo Terms
38. Cargo Safety
39. Cargo Holds
40. Insurance
41. Dry Docking
Letter to a New Chief Officer

Witherby Publishing Group Ltd

Witherbys titles are developed using scripts developed by technical experts that are peer reviewed within work groups. Typically, they seek to improve understanding of the regulations, recommendations and guidelines issued by Industry.

Witherbys staff have significant expertise in the fields of navigation and hazardous cargoes as well as in the presentation of complex subjects in a graphic and easy to understand manner.

Captain Michael Lloyd

Captain Michael Lloyd commanded a wide variety of ships during his career, including passenger, heavy lift and oilfield support vessels in Nigeria. He served 35 years in the Royal Naval Reserve and for 10 years he represented shipmasters on the Council of Numast. He is a Fellow of The Nautical Institute and a Younger Brother of Trinity House.

Number of Pages:
Binding Format:
Book Height:
235 mm
Book Width:
155 mm
0.6 kg

Michael Lloyd

Published Date:
September 2010
Publication Date:
August 2010